Notes of "36 strokes of recommended system"
When to use?
$\frac{N_{connection}}{N_{user} \times N_{item}}$
- mining
- recall
- ranking
- score
- collect data
- quality of score
- unstable of score
- action
- Click Through Rate(CTR)
- dense of data
- implicit feedback
- cold start
- exploit and explore
- secure
User profile
- Vectorization
- based on records, statistics, balck box models
- Feature
- TF-IDF, TextRank
- Named Entity Recognition (based on dictionary and conditional random field)
- Text classification
- Clustering
- Topic model
- Embedding
- Select labels
- Chi-square test(CHI)
- Information gain(GI)
- friendly to new items and new users(cold start)
- easy to get data
- grab (use crawler)
- clean data
- data mining
- compute
- Algorithm
- Unsupervised
- BM25
- cosine similarity
- Supervised
- Logistic Regression
- Unsupervised
Collaborative filtering
- Memory-based
- User-based
- sample to reduce vector dimension(DIMSUM)
- Map-Reduce to get user2user similarity, or use (KGraph, GraphCHI)
- punish hot items
- attenuate with time
- cons
- too many users to calculate
- too sparse to get real similar users(hot items)
- Item-based
- normalization for users and items
- Slope one(consider confidence)
- cons: sparse => vibrate to small correlations
- User-based
- Model-based
- Singular Vector Decomposition(SVD): $$min_{q^,p^}\Sigma_{(u,i)\in \kappa}(r_{ui}-p_u q_i^T)^2+\lambda(\lVert q_i\rVert ^2+\lVert p_u\rVert ^2)$$
- add bias: $$\hat{r}{ui}=\mu + b_i + b_u + p_u q_i^T$ , $min{q^,p^}\Sigma_{(u,i)\in \kappa}(r_{ui}-\mu -b_i - b_u -p_u q_i^T)^2+\lambda(\lVert q_i\rVert ^2+\lVert p_u\rVert ^2+b_i^2+b_u^2)$$
- SVD++(add implicit feedback & user attribute): $$\hat{r}{ui}=\mu + b_i + b_u + (p_u+\lvert N(u) \rvert ^{-0.5}\Sigma{i\in N(u)}x_i+\Sigma_{a\in Au}y_a)q_i^T$$
- consider about time
- weight
- time scope
- special date
- cons:
- ranking is what we want, not vectors
- negative sampling is still a problem
Euclidean distance: $d(p, q)=\sqrt{\Sigma_{i=1}^n(q_i-p_i)^2}$
Cosine similarity: $cos(\theta)=\frac{A\cdot B}{\lVert A\rVert \lVert B\rVert}$
- adjust: $sim(i,j)=\frac{\Sigma_{u\in U}(R_{u,i}-\bar{R_u})(R_{u,j}-\bar{R_u})}{\sqrt{\Sigma_{u \in U}(R_{u,i}-\bar{R_u})^2}\sqrt{\Sigma_{u \in U}(R_{u,j}-\bar{R_u})^2}}$
Pearson correlation: $\rho_{X,Y}=\frac{\Sigma^n_{i=1}(x_i-\bar{x})(y_i-\bar{y})}{\sqrt{\Sigma^n_{i=1}(x_i-\bar{x})^2}\sqrt{\Sigma^n_{i=1}(y_i-\bar{y})^2}}$
Jaccard index: $J(A, B)=\frac{A\bigcap B}{A\bigcup B}$
- Stochastic Gradient Descent(SGD)
- Alternative Least Square(ALS): $R_{m\times n}=P_{m\times k}\times Q^T_{n\times k}$
- easy to parallelize
- fast than SGD in not too sparse data
- Weighted-ALS: one-class $$min_{q^,p^}\Sigma_{(u,i)\in \kappa}c_{ui}(r_{ui}-p_uq_i^T)^2+\lambda(\lVert q_i\rVert ^2+\lVert p_u\rVert ^2)$$ where $c_{ui}=1+\alpha n$ stands for confidence and $\alpha=40$ , $n$ is frequence.
- sample in hot items (negative sampling)
- Tools to search similar items: Faiss(ball tree), Annoy, NMSlib, KGraph
- methods: point-wise, pair-wise, list-wise
- Bayes Personalized Recommendation(BPR)
- sample: (user, item1, item2, True/False)
- $\Pi_{u,i,j}p(i>_uj\mid \theta)p(\theta)$
- Mini-batch Stochastic Gradient Descent(MSGD)
- Area Under Curve(AUC): $AUC=\frac{\Sigma_{i\in samples}r_i-\frac{1}{2}M\times (M-1)}{M\times N}$
- Logistic Regression
- Follow-the-Regularized-Leader(FTRL)
- Gradient Boost Decision Tree(GBDT)
- Factorization Machine(FM)
- $\hat{y}=w_0+\Sigma^n_{i=1}w_ix_i+\Sigma^n_{i=1}\Sigma^n_{j=i+1}<V_i,V_j>x_ix_j$
- $\sigma(\hat{y})=\frac{1}{1+e^{-\hat{y}}}$ , $loss(\theta)=-\frac{1}{m}\Sigma^m_{i=1}[y^{(i)}log(\sigma(\hat{y}))+(1-y^{(i)})log(1-\sigma(\hat{y}))]$
- $\Sigma_{i=1}^n\Sigma_{j=i+1}^n<v_i,v_j>x_ix_j$ = $\frac{1}{2}\Sigma_{f=1}^k((\Sigma_{i=1}^nv_{i,f}x_i)^2-\Sigma_{i=1}^nv_{i,f}^2x_i^2)$
- Field-aware Factorization Machine(FFM)
- $\hat{y}=w_0+\Sigma^n_{i=1}w_ix_i+\Sigma^n_{i=1}\Sigma^n_{j=i+1}<V_{i,fj}, V_{j,fi}>x_ix_j$
- Deep&Wide
- $P(Y=1\mid X)=\sigma(W^T_{wide}[X, \Phi(X)]+W^T_{deep}a^{(l_f)}+b)$
- scale: $\frac{i-1}{n_q-1}$
- model
- deep: full-connected layer and ReLU
- wide: cross combination
- deploy
- Multi-armed bandit problem(MBP): cold start and EE problem
- $R_T=\Sigma_{i=1}^T(w_{opt}-w_{B(i)})=Tw^*-\Sigma^T_{i=1}w_{B(i)}$
- Thompson sampling
- beta distribution
- $\alpha + \beta$ ↗⇒ center
- $\frac{\alpha}{\alpha+\beta}$ ↗⇒ center → 1
choice = numpy.argmax(pymc.rbeta(1 + self.wins, 1 + self.trials - self.wins))
- beta distribution
- Upper Confidence Bound(UCB)
- $\bar{x}_j(t)+\sqrt\frac{2\ln t}{T_{j, t}}$
- $t$ is total times, $\bar{x}$ is average gain
- Epsilon greedy
- select $\epsilon\in(0, 1)$, select best chioce with $p_{best}=1-\epsilon$
- LinUCB
- add features, support delete items
- contextually related
- expected revenue: $\hat{r}=x^T_{d\times 1}\hat{\theta}_{d\times 1}$
- upper bound: $\hat{b}=\alpha \sqrt x^T_{d\times 1}(D^T_{m\times d}D_{m\times d}+I_{d\times d})^{-1}x_{d\times 1}$
- use CF to reduce user group
- update item group and user group with LinUCB
Deep learning
- Product2vec
- users' browser history == docs
- try to learn vector of items
- Youtube
- $P(w_t=i\mid U,C)=\frac{e_{v_iu}}{\Sigma_{j\in V}e_{v_ju}}$
- embedded watches, search tokens, geographic, age, gender......
- Spotify
- RNN: $h_t=F(Wx_t+Uh_{t-1})$
- Hacker News: $\frac{P-1}{(T+2)^G}$
- $P$: vote, $T$: time(hour), G: gravity
- Newton's law of cooling: $T(t)=H+Ce^{-\alpha t}$
- $H$: environment tempurature, $C$: vote, $\alpha$: Chill coefficient
- StackOverflow: $\frac{(log_{10}Q_{views}\times 4 + \frac{Q_{answers}\times Q_{score}}{5}+\Sigma_iA_{score_i})}{(\frac{Q_{age}}{2}+\frac{Q_{update}}2+1)^{1.5}}$
- $Q_{age}$: time, $Q_{update}$: last update time
- Wilson section: $\frac{\hat{p}+\frac{1}{2n}z^2_{1-\frac{\alpha}{2}}\pm z_{1-\frac{\alpha}2}\sqrt{\frac{\hat{p}(1-\hat{p})}{n}+\frac{z^2_{1-\frac{\alpha}2}}{4n^2}}}{1+\frac{1}nz^2_{1-\frac{\alpha}2}}$
- $\hat{p}$: praise rate, $z_{1-\frac{\alpha}2}$: Z statistic with confidence $\alpha$
- Bayes average: $\frac{v}{v+m}R+\frac{m}{v+m}C$
- $R$: average score, $v$: vote, $m$: average vote, $C$: average score
Weighted sampling
- limit data
- $S_i=R^{\frac{1}{w_i}}$
- $f(x,\lambda)=\begin{cases} \lambda e^{-\lambda x} & \text{if }x>0 \ 0 &\text{if }x\leqslant 0 \end{cases}$
- unlimit data
- keep $k$ items, replace item with $p=\frac{k}n$
- SimHash
- Bloom filter
Collect data
- data model
- user profile
- item profile
- relation
- event
- store
- buried point: SDK, Google Analytics, Mixpanel
- end: front-end, back-end
- architecture
- Nginx/server → logstash/flume → kafka → storm → HDFS
Attack methods
- item: target, mask, fake
- score: random, average
- platform level: sign up cost, reCAPTCHA
- data level: antispam(PCA, classify, cluster)
- algorithm level: add user quality, restrict user weight
Real Time
response → update feature → update model
- Spout, Bolt, Tuple, Topology
- the real $E(x)$ is smaller than $\hat{x}+\epsilon$ with probability $p=1-\delta$ : $\epsilon=\sqrt{\frac{ln(1/\delta)}{2n}}$
Sliding window
Test Platform
- scale: $N>=10.5(\frac{s}{\theta})^2$ , $s$ is standard deviation, $\theta$ is sensitivity. (90% confidence)
- Google platform:
- A domain is a segmentation of traffic
- A layer corresponds to a subset of the system parameters
- An experiment is a segmentation of traffic where zero or more system parameters can be given alternate values that change how the incoming request if processed.
- Offline and Online
- Choice
- feature, model, result
- Inversed index: Redis or Memcached
- Column-oriented DBMS: HBase, Cassandra
- Store and search: ElasticSearch, Lucene, Solr
- Parameters: PMML
- recommend_ID: unique ID, trace the performance
CF and MF
- kgraph, annoy, faiss, nmslib
- lightfm
- implicit, QMF
- LightGBM, XGBoost
- FM, FFM:
- libffm
- Linear: vowpal_wabbit
- Wide&Deep Model
All in one
- PredictionIO
- recommendationRaccoon
- easyrec
- hapiger