Welcome to flaskerk’s documentation!

Provide OpenAPI document and validation for flask service.

Mainly built for Machine Learning Model services.


  • Generate API document with redoc or swagger

  • Less boilerplate code, annotations are really easy-to-use

  • Validate query, JSON data, response data with pydantic

  • Better HTTP exceptions for API services (default & customized) (JSON instead of HTML)

Quick Start

install with pip install flaskerk (Python 3.6+)

Simple demo

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from flaskerk import Flaskerk
from pydantic import BaseModel

class Query(BaseModel):
    text: str

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Flaskerk()

def classify():
    return jsonify(label=0)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Changes you need to make:

  • create model with pydantic

  • decorate the route function with flaskerk.Flaskerk.validate

  • specify which part you need in validate
    • query (args in url)

    • data (JSON data)

    • resp (response)

    • x (HTTP Exceptions)

  • register to Flask application

After that, this library will help you validate the incoming request and provide API document in /docs.

More feature

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify
from pydantic import BaseModel, Schema
from random import random

from flaskerk import Flaskerk, HTTPException

app = Flask(__name__)
api = Flaskerk()

class Query(BaseModel):
    text: str

class Response(BaseModel):
    label: int
    score: float = Schema(

class Data(BaseModel):
    uid: str
    limit: int
    vip: bool

e403 = HTTPException(code=403, msg='lucky for you')
e233 = HTTPException(code=233, msg='it works')

@app.route('/api/predict/<string(length=2):source>/<string(length=2):target>', methods=['POST'])
@api.validate(query=Query, data=Data, resp=Response, x=[e403], tags=['model'])
def predict(source, target):
    predict demo

    demo for `query`, `data`, `resp`, `x`
    print(f'=> from {source} to {target}')  # path
    print(f'Data: {request.json_data}')  # Data
    print(f'Query: {request.query}')  # Query
    if random() < 0.5:
        e403.abort('bad luck')
    return Response(label=int(10 * random()), score=random())

@app.route('/api/code', methods=['POST'])
@api.validate(x=[e233], tags=['test'])
def withcode():
    demo for JSON with status code
    return jsonify('code'), 203

@app.route('/api/code', methods=['GET'])
def getcode():
    demo for the same route with different methods
    return jsonify('code'), 200

@app.route('/api/header', methods=['POST'])
@api.validate(x=[e233], tags=['test', 'demo'])
def withheader():
    demo for JSON with status code and header
    return jsonify('header'), 203, {'X': 233}

if __name__ == '__main__':

try it with http POST ':5000/api/predict/zh/en?text=hello' uid=0b01001001 limit=5 vip=true


Indices and tables