Source code for ventu.ventu

import logging
from wsgiref import simple_server

from prometheus_client import Summary, Gauge, CollectorRegistry

from .config import Config
from .protocol import BatchProtocol
from .service import create_app

[docs]class Ventu: """ Ventu: built for deep learning model serving :param req_schema: request schema defined with :class:`pydantic.BaseModel` :param resp_schema: response schema defined with :class:`pydantic.BaseModel` :param bool use_msgpack: use msgpack for serialization or not (default: JSON) :param args: :param kwargs: To create a model service, inherit this class and implement: * ``preprocess`` (optional) * ``postprocess`` (optional) * ``inference`` (for standalone HTTP service) * ``batch_inference`` (when working with batching service) """ def __init__(self, req_schema, resp_schema, use_msgpack=False, *args, **kwargs): self.req_schema = req_schema self.resp_schema = resp_schema self.use_msgpack = use_msgpack self.req_example = req_schema.Config.schema_extra.get('example') self.resp_example = resp_schema.Config.schema_extra.get('example') self.warmup_size = req_schema.Config.schema_extra.get('batch_size', 1) if self.resp_example: assert self.req_example, \ 'require request examples if response examples are provided' self._app = None self._sock = None self.config = Config(**kwargs) self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.metric_registry = CollectorRegistry() self.SINGLE_PROCESS_TIME = Summary( 'single_process_time', 'Time spent in different part of the processing', ('process',), registry=self.metric_registry, ) self.BATCH_PROCESS_TIME = Summary( 'batch_process_time', 'Time spent in different part of the processing', ('process',), registry=self.metric_registry, ) self.WORKER = Gauge( 'process_worker', 'numbers of workers', ('protocol',), multiprocess_mode='livesum', registry=self.metric_registry, )
[docs] def health_check(self, batch=False): """ health check for model inference (can also be used to warm-up) :param bool batch: batch inference or single inference (default) :return bool: ``True`` if passed health check """ if not self.req_example:'Please provide examples for inference warm-up') return if not batch:'Single inference warm-up with example: {self.req_example}') result = self._single_infer(self.req_schema.parse_obj(self.req_example)) if self.resp_example:'Check single inference warm-up result') self.resp_schema.parse_obj(self.resp_example) assert self.resp_example == result, \ f'does not match {self.resp_example} != {result} for {self.req_example}' else:'Batch inference warm-up with size: {self.warmup_size}') examples = [ self.req_schema.parse_obj(self.req_example) for _ in range(self.warmup_size)] results = self._batch_infer(examples) if self.resp_example:'Check batch inference warm-up results') for i in range(len(self.resp_example)): self.resp_schema.parse_obj(results[i]) assert results[i] == self.resp_example[i], \ f'does not match {self.resp_example[i]} != {results[i]} for {examples[i]}' return True
@property def app(self): """ Falcon application with SpecTree validation """ if self._app is None: self.health_check() self.logger.debug('Create Falcon application') self._app = create_app( self._single_infer, self.metric_registry, self.health_check, self.req_schema, self.resp_schema, self.use_msgpack, self.config, ) return self._app
[docs] def run_http(self, host=None, port=None): """ run the HTTP service :param string host: host address :param int port: service port """'Run HTTP service on {host}:{port}') httpd = simple_server.make_server( host or, port or self.config.port, ) with self.WORKER.labels('http').track_inprogress(): httpd.serve_forever()
@property def sock(self): """ socket used for communication with batching service this is a instance of :class:`ventu.protocol.BatchProtocol` """ if self._sock is None: self.health_check(batch=True) self.logger.debug('Create socket') self._sock = BatchProtocol( self._batch_infer, self.req_schema, self.resp_schema, self.use_msgpack, ) return self._sock
[docs] def run_unix(self, addr=None): """ run as an inference worker with Unix domain socket :param string addr: socket file address """'Run Unix domain socket on {addr}') with self.WORKER.labels('unix').track_inprogress(): or self.config.socket, 'unix')
[docs] def run_tcp(self, host=None, port=None): """ run as an inference worker with TCP :param string host: host address :param int port: service port """ host = host or port = port or self.config.port'Run TCP service on {host}:{port}') with self.WORKER.labels('unix').track_inprogress():, port), 'tcp')
[docs] def batch_inference(self, batch): """ batch inference the preprocessed data :param batch: a list of data after :py:meth:`preprocess <ventu.ventu.Ventu.preprocess>` :return: a list of inference results """ return batch
[docs] def inference(self, data): """ inference the preprocessed data :param data: data after :py:meth:`preprocess <ventu.ventu.Ventu.preprocess>` :return: inference result """ return data
[docs] def preprocess(self, data): """ preprocess the data :param data: as defined in ``req_schema`` :return: this will be the input data of :py:meth:`inference <ventu.ventu.Ventu.inference>` or one item of the input data of :py:meth:`batch_inference <ventu.ventu.Ventu.batch_inference>` """ return data
[docs] def postprocess(self, data): """ postprocess the inference result :param data: data after :py:meth:`inference <ventu.ventu.Ventu.inference>` or one item of the :py:meth:`batch_inference <ventu.ventu.Ventu.batch_inference>` :return: as defined in ``resp_schema`` """ return data
def _single_infer(self, data): with self.SINGLE_PROCESS_TIME.labels(process='preprocess').time(): data = self.preprocess(data) with self.SINGLE_PROCESS_TIME.labels(process='inference').time(): data = self.inference(data) with self.SINGLE_PROCESS_TIME.labels(process='postprocess').time(): data = self.postprocess(data) return data def _batch_infer(self, batch): with self.BATCH_PROCESS_TIME.labels(process='preprocess').time(): batch = [self.preprocess(data) for data in batch] with self.BATCH_PROCESS_TIME.labels(process='inference').time(): batch = self.batch_inference(batch) with self.BATCH_PROCESS_TIME.labels(process='postprocess').time(): batch = [self.postprocess(data) for data in batch] return batch